Monday, August 24, 2009

Finished 1-9, on 10... for the second time.

I decided to redo the first 10 labs of IPX vol1 and I'm glad I did, I think I gained a firmer understanding of what the labs were about and coupled with the labs, I re-read MPLS Fundamentals.... not the whole thing but certain chapters.

I figure I'll finish up lab 10, re-read RSVP and TE and then do lab 11.

Someone in the blogosphere had mentioned a CiscoPress book for MPLS/Service Provider that dealt with configurations... anyone recall what that book is? I'm thinking I would like to see some more configs.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Finally finished Lab 10...

Finished Lab 10, Multicast, and since I haven't been as consistent with studying for SP as I had been for RS, I'm going back to do the first 10 labs again. I hope this solidifies my learning and builds some confidence.