Thursday, July 23, 2009

Vol 1 Lab 6 - ISIS - notes

Some general very basic info on ISIS, level 1 is relative to intra area, whereas level 2 is relative to inter area... as it relates to ospf.

Task 6.1- General ISIS config

- when configuring ISIS, start by using the NET command and then assign interfaces to the ISIS process with ip router isis command under the interface
- the NET command includes the area, system ID, and selector-byte, ie, net 51.0001.000.c800.0001.00
- to prevent loopback interfaces from forming adjacencies use the passive-interface command under the router process

Task 6.3 - ISIS Link auth
- ISIS Link authentication - under the interface use the command isis password xxx level 2. Specifying level 2 when the link is between 2 different areas

Task 6.4- ISIS Area auth
- SNP authentication/Area authentication is done under the router process area-password xxx authenticate snp validate

Task 6.5 - TLVs
New metric style is wide. Using "transition" will allow the router to accept the old metric style too. Under the router process, metric-style wide transition

Task 6.6 - timers
- adjust timers like Hello interval and multiplier under the interface.

Task 6.7 & 6.8 Redistribution
- when redistributing connected interfaces, create a route map to be as specific as possible, then redistribute, redistribute connected route-map NAME level-1-2, the "level-1-2" specifies that it will be advertised through both level 1 and 2 routers.
- when redistributing static routes, create a route map to be as specific as possible, and you can set a metric on a specific route in order for it to be NOT advertised. Set the metric to the maximum to accomplish this in the route-map.

So ISIS is new to me and this lab was my first exposure to ISIS. Therefor, writing notes will help keep thing straight in my mind and for future reference.