Sunday, July 18, 2010

IPX Vol 1 - Lab 16 - MP-BGP

Task 16.10 - Using VRF Export maps to change the route-target.

Notes: In order to change the route-target of prefixs coming in, create a route-map setting the extcommunity rt to the new rt. Then under the vrf use "export map ", don't apply the route-map to the neighbor.


ip vrf RED
rd 100:1
export map RT
route-target export 100:1
route-target import 100:1
ip prefix-list 100 seq 5 permit
ip prefix-list 200 seq 5 permit
logging alarm informational
route-map RT permit 20
match ip address prefix-list 100
set extcommunity rt 100:100
route-map RT permit 30
match ip address prefix-list 200
set extcommunity rt 100:200
route-map RT permit 40
set extcommunity rt 100:1