Notes: CLNS operation is different from other routing protocols. Rather then being encapsulated into IP, it operates on the data link layer. Since IP is being mapped across frame, CLNS needs to be mapped across frame as well. This is not an issue when using point-to-point subinterfaces because the frame-relay interface-dlci command sends ALL traffic out the DLCI. Remember to include the broadcast key word at the end.
R6#sh run int s1/0
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 243 bytes
interface Serial1/0
ip address
ip router isis
encapsulation frame-relay
serial restart-delay 0
frame-relay map clns 604 broadcast
frame-relay map ip 604 broadcast
no frame-relay inverse-arp
* Of the Advance Routing in this lab, the only place I stumbled was 25.1.
I'll review my notes for this workbook for myself and then I'll write up a review of IPX Vol1 in my next post and where I think it fits into the grand scheme.