Monday, December 14, 2009

INE Vol 1 - Lab 15 - finished - MP-BGP for Inter VRF

So it's taken awhile to finish this lab, mostly due to the my new role at work. I'm supporting production networks and troubleshooting issues and while it's interesting to some degree, it does take away from studying.

Anyhow, this lab was the same setup as the last one, back to back VRFs, but uses MP-BGP to leak routes between BGP domains. The thing to note on this lab is BGP automatically filters route-targets that it doesn't need to know of (meaning it doesn't have a link configured for). So in order to exchange VPN routes it needs to stop this filtering by...
'no bgp default route-target filter' under the BGP process. That way, it can know the VRF routes and leak them between it's MP-eBGP peer of the other network.

I'm afraid my progress will continue to slow, I hope once things settle down I'll be able to return more aggressively to my studies.